2022 수학 & 통계학/데이터 사이언스를 위한 수학의 기초 4

04. Linear Algebra(3): Linear Independence

Linear Combination is an important notion in linear algebra. 3-1. Linear Independence The goal is to understand, Linear independence Uniqueness of a solution in a linear system Subspace, basis, and dimension Column space and rank Uniqueness of Solution of Ax = b If the solution exists for Ax = b, when it is unique? It is unique when a1, a2, and a3 are linearly independent Infinitely many solutio..

03. Linear Algebra(2): Linear Combinations

Linear Combination is an important notion in linear algebra. 2-2. Linear Combinations The goal is to understand, Linear combination and vector equation Span Existence of solutions in a linear system Matrix-matrix multiplication as linear combination of vectors Linear Combinations The weights in a linear combination can be any real numbers, including zero. Some vectors with the weight of zero may..

02. Linear Algebra(1): Basic Elements of Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra is an important mathematical component in data science. 2-1. Basic Elements of Linear Algebra The goal is to understand, Basic elements of linear algebra Matrix notations and operations Linear system Solving a linear system Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Column Vector and Row Vector Matrix Notations Vector/Matrix Additions and Multiplications Properties of Matrix Addition and Multipli..

01. Course Overview

Data Science ← Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data 1-1 Brief Overview of Machine Learning What is Machine Learning? A subfield of Artificial Intelligence that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. "Learning" ▶ Any process a system improves performance from experience Application of Machine Learning 1) Systems that can automatically adapt and cu..